What can Clicking do for you ?
Over the years, Clicking has focused on the crucial aspects of entrepreneurship that are often the Achilles heel of the entrepreneur or the organization itself. With a thorough systematic approach in combination with respect for people and organization, we make the "click" towards improvement together.
Advice is not a matter of writing reports and then running away. Clicking inspires and guides.
In close cooperation with our client, we supervise the analysis and elaboration of projects as well as the implementation and consolidation. CLICKING itself takes the step to executing, steering and coaching towards the realization of the objectives and concludes each project with a solid consolidation for long-term assurance.
Measuring is knowing, but it's mainly about how we can translate that data into information and action.
CLICKING accompanies your organization in setting up and/or further refining a goal-oriented, complete and yet simple dashboard of 'hard & soft' parameters : inspiring in determining the Key Performance Indicators, setting up and working out the measurement systems, collecting the data, visualizing and communicating it, translating the data into relevant information, into knowledge, into action and finally into results breakthrough.

The most beautiful thing is to help people grow.
The trademark of CLICKING is "helping people grow". People make the difference in every single business. We look for personal growth and further development of the ever present potential.
CLICKING makes the difference in terms of positive growth coaching of employees at all levels: from company owners and shareholders to directors and managers, to executives, white-collar workers, team leaders and blue-collar workers. They all play an essential role in any successful company. Time after time we are pleasantly surprised by the growth trajectories we achieve.
We all want to be doing the right thing...
That is why CLICKING offers support at the various levels (Executive Board, Executive Committee, Management Team) to systematically develop or refine a strategy and then to support the translation into plans and projects and objectives as well as communication throughout the organization.

At the top of a company there are few evidences but many question marks…
CLICKING wants to be an unpretentious sounding board for owners, managers and executives. Listening to what is on their mental agenda, discuss the roadblocks, inspire in the difficult leadership and decision-making processes, often confidential and personal issues can temporarily overwhelm the performance of the manager.
Together we look for and find ways to eliminate as many question marks as possible
A difficult or risky workshop or seminar coming up? Need for a 'Positively confronting' thematic keynote with recognizable growing points?
Inspiration is the recurring element at CLICKING. Especially in group dynamic processes such as problem solving teams, workshops, seminars and keynotes on various management topics but also on personal energy and growth.
Disarmingly open and honest, but confrontational where necessary.